Wednesday, 20 September 2023

My Three Words at Jamie Reid Funeral 15.09.2023


Nest Thomas (Mrs Mwyn) Paul Cook RM Pete Wylie

Having been asked by the family (Rowan Reed) and Jamie's Manager (John Marchant) to "Say a few words in Welsh at the graveside because Jamie would like that!" these are the three words that I thought would do the occasion justice:

ADVENTURE: Working with Jamie Reid was always an adventure, always exciting, never dull and you had to keep on top of your game. Within 5 minutes of meeting Jamie for the first time at Assorted Images in 1990 he'd asked me to organise a showing for his Celtic Surveyor Exhibition up in Caernarfon / north Wales. From meeting someone who I had so much respect for and slightly in awe we'd become collaborators - and that was to continue for the following 20 years. From 2010 onwards our working relationship was over but we remained dear friends. By that time I'd introduced Jamie to Gwenno and they continued collaborating to this say. (Gwenno sang on Cornish at the graveside).

INSPIRATION: I joked at the graveside that Jamie's visuals for me were as important as Steve Jones's guitar sound. No Jamie No Punk. He always inspired and always shared information and inspiration. Our early meetings at Cafe Tabac, Liverpool in the early 90's were so important. It was like an injection / fix of inspiration. I'd return to Wales fired up and with Jamie's blessing that we were doing the right thing. As an influence on my whole creative career, Jamie was instrumental and key and I thank him for all the love and support.

HUMOUR: Sure enough we all took the music and art very seriously but we also had some good laughs. The 2 weeks up in Derry for the Celtic Surveyor Exhibition stand out. Organised by Derry artist Locky Morris everything seemed to hinge on Locky knowing what was going on. The slogan became "Where's Locky?". Jamie would appear - ask 'Where's Locky?" and it was our in-joke for Derry. As I explained at the Funeral - it's not really funny but it was bloody hilarious for those 2 weeks up in Derry!

At the graveside I bottled out of the joke that we had in Caernarfon where some soft-lad or other would ask him "Do you know Johnny Rotten?" and you could hear Jamie muttering something .........

Ymlaen ac i Fyny

Onwards and Upwards

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